Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Baby's Birthday

Can you believe it? Our Maega-Fat is four? I can't hardly stand it. She still reverts back to baby talk and actions, which of course send me into fits of wishing she would just get older, so it is a never ending cycle. But darn it, I want them to just slow down the growing process. Maegan if four, Adam six and Madie almost eight. In the words of Joey Tribiani from Friends
Other than dealing with the fact that I don't want the kids to grow AT ALL, things are great. Maegan got her Gamma and Gampa's package so she got a chance to open their gifts, and then Gramps' came yesterday. She is in hog heaven I tell you...
So without further ado here are pictures of the runt of the litter:

Gamma and Gampa found Maegan a cute little bag with Hello Kitty on it. She was thrilled. Did I mention we did the Hello Kitty theme this year? For some god awful reason Maegan loves the Hello Kitty cat. Me, well we all know I am not a big fan of cats, much less one with a huge head, and no mouth. But whatever makes this kids smile like that is worth it. SO like I said we went with the Hello Kitty theme this year....Nice bag, she hasn't stopped dragging it around yet. A sure sign she loves it..

Barbie!! I think Cindy must have super sonic hearing or can tell the future because my child never mentioned wanting a Barbie. Like I said, all she has talked about is that freakin' kitty junk. But two days before her birthday Maegan announces that she wants a Barbie. Little did I know Gamma had sent her one, whew!

So we were getting her stuff all situated in the living room, her cake and gifts, and while we did that we sent her up to her room so she wouldn't see the cake yet. It was a surprise! Anyway, while she was up in her room she found her crown and put it on. She came downstairs with it on her head and as she walks into the living room she explains that it is her birthday and birthday girls are princesses and so she wanted to wear her crown. Look at that beautiful girl. Her smile lights up the room I tell you

The cake...

A better picture of the cake. Alan ran with the Kitty theme. He copied the image off of Maegan's lunch box. Is that cat missing arms? Yep. Alan ran out of fondant. So the kitty is sitting sideways with no arms. Madie made a big deal of it, but of course Maegan didn't even notice.
We got her a bike and those pictures will be in the next batch later today or tomorrow. I will also go and get pictures of the kids rooms tomorrow and post those.
Plans for today. Well this head of mine is pounding again, I missed work yesterday because of it, and so I am going to relax as much as possible this morning, take some Benedryl and then nap. Then the craziness starts. Madie has her physical for Cheer right after school, then starting at 7pm we each have our own meetings we have to be at. Madie and I have the Super Catholic Girls Club or SCGC to go to and Adam and Dad have cub scouts. We have been asking for weeks now about Cub scouts and no one has heard a thing. Then low and behold we got an email saying that the person who used to do it is leaving the island and if anyone is interested in doing cub scouts please come to the school tonight. She said that the entire troop is gone, so we will be starting from scratch. Not really something Alan wanted to do since his schedule is stretched pretty thin already, but we can't really stand by and watch the GTMO troop dissolve. So he is meeting with the other parents tonight. Well we are hoping there are other parents interested, or even other boys interested in being part of cub scouts. If not, the troop dissolves and Adam will become one of only 200 lone cub scouts in the world.
Okay I am off. More pictures soon. I send you all my love

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