Friday, October 30, 2009

Climbing Mountains

I typed the title of this particular blog and all I can think of now is "Landslide" by Stevie Nicks. "I climbed a mountain and turned around..." Anyway....
Okay so I am sure most of you have looked at a mountain or a large hill and thought, " I could climb that, it isn't too bad." We are talking both metaphorical and literal mountains, hills and/or mole hills here. So, I am assuming that most of you out there have looked at said mountain, hill/mole hill and thought, no sweat. Easily done. I too have been that idiot thinking I CAN DO IT!!
I have looked at the mountain from a distance and been all cocky and sure of myself, only to stand at the base and think, HOLY COW! What have I committed myself to?

Yesterday I attempted to climb. I chose to not stand at the bottom any longer. I chose to pull my boot straps up and go for it. I am of course talking about a mountain of such proportions that sitting here in my chair at home, the mountain looks more like a small hillock if you will. I am telling you it is a mountain!!
Yes my friends I demanded myself to get up the MOUNTAIN....

Did I succeed is the question...Sorta! This is the story my friends:
First and foremost I must admit that this is a story of angst and woe. No really this is just my pathetic little story of how I attempted to make it up the highest peak here in Gtmo. Yes, I tried with all my will, might and strength to climb to the top of a real mountain. And like I said, it looks more like a small hill from here in my house. Standing at the base it is entirely different. Sitting here today with aching hips, and calf muscles that refuse to stop the pulsing, I am telling you it is a MOUNTAIN.

I digress, on with the story. So there is a group of terrific ladies here that really work at lifting each other up. Their goal, at least from what I can see, is to make sure everyone is included. These are some of the same ladies I had chick night at the movies with. At any rate, they are a good group of women that, well put out the invites and then wait for people to get out of their houses and join them. Okay, so they have been telling me that three times a week they make the trek up this mountain, and they have been encouraging me to come along. I have been avoiding this, coming up with excuses and what not. Why avoid the climb? I have no good reason, other than I like to be lazy. Plain and simple. I don't like to work because I want to be able to sit on my couch at home and read a book. I like to lay around. Course, laying around for the last ten years have helped make me the very obese woman I am. So, now I have lost a good 115lbs and the truth of the matter is, I need to get my butt in motion, or the surgery will be for not.

So, yesterday I dropped the husband and two older kids off at school. I met the ladies at my shop and off we went. Oh I remember now, one of my reasons for not joining this group before is because I didn't think I could do the climb, therefore why even try. I didn't want to slow anyone down and I sure as spit didn't want to look like a big fat loser in front of these very fit women. Anyway, I had Maegan in a stroller and off we went. A really great friend walked with me and encouraged me the entire way. Not by telling me I could do it, but by keeping me distracted the entire time. Alas, I did not make it to the top. No, but I got darn close and will be trying again on Tuesday. I have convinced the family to try part of the climb with me and they are very excited about going. I am hoping to try tomorrow, but we shall see.
So today, I am sore all over. The surgery while great, has robbed me of a lot of muscle. I don't have nearly as much as I used to. I am hoping to remedy that soon as well, by lifting at the gym twice a week. At any rate, I am pumped up, although sore as can be.

I want to leave you with this. When you stand at the bottom of your mountain, hillock or mole hill, keep telling yourself you can do it, and when your mind and body give out, go for 20 more seconds. It makes all the difference. I send you all my love

1 comment:

  1. Monica,
    You are accomplishing great things and I know you can soon climb your mountain. I cant believe how good you look, I am so inspired by you and I love reading your blog. I truely miss your family and working with Alan I have not found another boss like him, I know yall are living yall's dream and enjoying every minute of it but not a day goes by at that I dont say well at Sam's we did this and Alan did this. Your kids are getting so big I cant believe that yall have been gone for 3 years. Maybe we will meet up again. By the way Kyndal loved the hello kitty cake and Alan did a great job as always:) Keep on blogging because I love to read them. Yall take care and keep up the good work and I know your next blog you will be at the top of that mountain
