Sunday, May 16, 2010

Adam, my Adam

                                                                  OH MY BOY!!!
So this is how it started.  Adam and Maegan are taking swim lessons both last week and this coming week.  Adam was moved from the new swimmer class at 4:30pm to the advanced swimmer class at 5:15pm. Why is that important?  It isn't until later.  Just keep the timeline in mind. 
Okay so we showed up to swim class on Monday and THE life gaurd, Mr.Tony, tells Adam he isn't swimming until later, at which point Adam comes to me in tears.  The class he is going to be in is the last class of the day, and it is as far as you can go for swim classes here.  It is challenging to say the least.  Madie's first day in class she cried because her legs hurt so bad.  The life gaurds have you swim back and forth, the length of the pool mind you, repeatedly...Hard work for a boy who couldn't swim three weeks ago.
So Monday sucked for the kid.  He was so tired, and hungry, well he was just plain miserable.  Come Tuesday he was upset about going to swim class, but you all know me.  It wasn't an option. Anyway, he had a much better swim class and even went down the big slide.  I had to catch him of course, but he still went down the darn thing.
On to Wednesday. We snuck Alan out of work early and made him come with us to the pool.  Alan hasn't been to the pool more than two times since being on the island.  We were all kinds of excited.  We got there at 4pm, which left each of us time to play with Dad before the first swim class started.  The major reason for having Alan come to the pool, besides giving him a chance to relax? We all wanted to show the Dad how each of the kids love to go down the slide now.  Madie is in love with the dang thing, the one thing she has refused to do for the last two years is go down these slides.  Now?  She can't get enough of them.  Anyway, I am instructing my little man to show his dad how brave he is as he is getting out of the pool.  He is so engrossed in what I am saying that he turns around to go to the slide and smacks his head into the damn thing.  Madie was waiting for him so she walked over to him and was asking how he was doing when her face went white.  That was when we knew.  BLOOD...Madie freaks, not over the blood, but over the pain her siblings may be feeling.  She slaps Adam's hand back to his head, at which point Alan has reached the boy.  As I get out of the pool and retrieve the pager, Alan administers first aid.  Mainly lots of pressure and a towel.  We get to our lounges that have all our crap when one of the life gaurds comes over and says he has a first aid kit, lets slap a band-aid on it.  So we walk over and he pulls out the alcohol swab and swabs the crap out of what we can now see is a gapping wound.  To give my son credit, he didn't cry when the insane amount of alcohol hit his open wound.  Naw he just squeezed blank out of my hand.  But no tears.  At this point I am telling everyone who is around, but not listening that if I can see tissue, I want to take him to the ER.  But who am I?  Just an over reacting mother?  I am telling you, there was no over reacting.  I mean there could have been when the gushing blood was pouring out, or when the well meaning life gaurd scorched my son with alcohol.  But really I was just repeating to the life gaurd, the kids, the husband, hell even the mama sitting with her baby, that a trip to the ER was needed.  Of course no one listened to me.  Nope we had to wait until MR.TONY says go to the ER....Mom's know shit apparently.
The good thing about Gtmo?  All of our friends are docs.  And one of them happened to be at the pool.  SO we dragged Adam over to her on our way out and asked her opinion.  She said it was deep enough and big enough for stiches...SEE!!! But she informed us that the ER doc on call was the bad one.  The doctor that would require us to be there to do a cat-scan and observation time.  Yea not what I wanted to do.
What did we do?  Yep, we strolled down Alan's hallway and asked our three good doc friends, including Adam's doc, to look at his wound.  In no time we had the boy steri-stripped and glued back together.  They suggested stitches only to prevent scarring.  But the men in the group all decided that boys with scars are way cool, so they just glued him and off we went.  We had to get back to the pool to pick up Maegan who stayed to do her swim class.
Now this is where the time-line comes in.  We left with Adam right before Maegan's class started.  We got back to the pool before it ended.  That's right.  To the hospital and back in less than what forty five minutes.  LOVE GTMO!
                                                         But that's not all!!

So now my beautiful little man has his first big noticable scar...It is ugly right now too...The steri-strip glue is dark brownish red and the glue is all caked up on it.  GROSS....
Okay so I hosted a bon fire on Friday night, as a goodbye to the people leaving the island this summer.  Good times were had by all.  At least I thought so.  Not for Adam. It must have been fun for him because he didn't show me his NEW wound until we got home. 
Alan was in charge of the fire, and while he listens very well to me, add two Marines and a pile of pallets just begging to be burned, and you have a fire that rivals a homing becon.  I mean I think Jamaica saw the fire.  Anway...the sand on the beach around the fire for a good two feet was HOT.  My little guy grabbed a handful of sand that burnt him.  He told his dad and Alan put some ice on it, but by the time he got home and showed me, he had a blister that covered a good portion of his hand and it had small little seed blisters around the mammoth mamma blister.  It is bad my friends.  He also shows me his ankle which he twisted and it is swollen and to top it all off, his Mr parts have some eczema inflamation...
So not only does he have a wound on his head, he now has a blister straight from the bowels of hell, a strained ankle and his junk hurts and itches....He is a mess
As of today the family jewels are much better and the ankle is back to its normal size. BUT his head is still healing and that blister?  Still huge and unpoped...
Needless to say the kid has taken his lickin's this past week.  I am praying the kid stays safe this week, add him to yours as well....until later I send you all my love

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