Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chick Flick Night

Tonight I finally saw Julie and Julia, the story of Julia Child and a blogger named Julie Powell. It is a story of self discovery, that spoke volumes to me. I too am a lost soul looking for my way in this world. Who am I? What do I want to accomplish with this life of mine? Is being a mother and wife enough for me? Is clerk at a glorified garage sale it??? Like I said volumes spoken...Something for me to think about, as if I haven't been thinking of these things before.

Anyway, like I said I went to the movies tonight. I was invited to join a friend named Chris. She is actually Alan's boss's wife, and she is great. But let me not get sidetracked here. She invited me to come with her to the movies. We made a stop at Wendy's house, a commander here on base-also new- and had a glass of wine. Low and behold we got there and there were like 15 ladies all sitting around drinking wine, eating chocolate covered strawberries and having a good time. Now mind you, I haven't done anything like this lately, well really since college. There were women there I knew, some I didn't and a few that I have been on the fence about. Do they like me or not? Am I still an outsider? All the teen angst of course. However, the more I do with these women the better I get to know them and vice versa and long story short, I am starting to feel pretty comfortable around them.

So we all piled into cars and went to the chick flick and laughed our tails off, of course when everyone has had a glass or two of wine laughter ensues. It was a hoot to say the least.

Now for earlier in the day. Today was finish the house day. We have unpacked all our stuff and it has been sitting in piles just waiting for us to get it put away. Who am I kidding, it has really been sitting there waiting for Alan to do, you all know I don't do this sort of thing. But today we buckled down and got at least two rooms set up and cleaned. Alleluia! And then nap time, my favorite time of day. Afterwards it was race to get costumes on for Fall Festival at the school. I ran around for a good twenty minutes looking for a leotard of mine so that I could dress up as the fairy godmother from Cinderella, a costume I made two years ago for our Disney trip. Couldn't find the darn thing anywhere. So I gave up and thought I would try Alan's pirate costume. What the heck right. I mean I have lost 115lbs now so surely....Yep, I fit into a one size fits all costume. I was ecstatic. In fact the costume swallowed me up. The shirt was huge, hung almost to my knees and the sash wrapped around me twice. AMAZING!!!

We went to the festival and had a great time. Madie did the cake walk like ten times and never won. Adam, who can't eat any cake there does it twice and wins. Then there was the costume contest, Madie had the Hannah Montana persona down and was sure she was going to win. Nope, the disgusting zombies and a boy dressed in a hula girls costume won. She was crushed. She was so upset when we left there. She did however make a basket at the dunk tank and she dunked the school nurse. So it was a bust for her. The other two seemed to enjoy themselves. Maegan was a ballerina and Adam was, can you guess? An Army Man, complete with green face paint.

I was complaining to Alan the other day that I miss my girlfriends back home. I miss the closeness and the bond I shared with these women that are or have gone through a lot of the same things I have. You know that sisterhood. I told him that so far I have a lot of people I know but no one I am FRIENDS with in that sisterly sense. When we got in the car to come home today, he looked at me and asked me what I was talking about. He said there wasn't a person at the festival I didn't know or talk to, and that I hugged like thirty people. Hum, maybe I do have a lot of connections here and I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to just enjoy the people I have met. I did go to our cooking club potluck the other day and made some stronger connections and really had a great time. So, and here is the real kicker, maybe I just need to pull my head out of the sand and realize that all things come in good time. I didn't become sisters with Peyton, Mandy or Cathryn over night and it won't work that way here. Life changing moments I tell you people.

So on that note, I am off. Tomorrow we have rosary before mass, which the Chronister Family will be leading and then Sunday school. Madie gets to go to her bestfriend's house for the first time and Adam is going to his first birthday party on the island. Maegan gets to nap and while she does that we will decorate for her birthday. Can you imagine she is almost four. This time thing really does fly. We are celebrating her birthday tomorrow so that she has her mom and dad all day, not just for parts of it. We got her, nah I will write about that tomorrow. I send you all my love

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