Sunday, October 4, 2009

So I have been very remiss in getting any blogging done. I whole heartily apologize to those of you who have been hanging by the seat of your pants waiting for my written word.

Today was a great day. The kids are in CCD after mass which leaves Alan and I time to get to know our fellow catholic islanders, there are not many of them I tell you. Anyway, as I was saying it was a great day. Our musician, who can play guitar great but lacks vocal talent, sang most of the parts of mass, and the Gloria had clapping. IT WAS SO REJOICEFUL. I was so thankful to God for this gift. The kids are really learning to be part of the mass rather than just sitting there. Adam and Madie are interested in all parts of the mass and follow along in the missal. Maegan tries for a few minutes but that is pushing it. Adam and Madie both want to be altar servers, but they have to have had their first communion. Not something either child plans on doing until we can do so with the family back home. So in the mean time they are simply learning. October is the month of the rosary and every Sunday they are having rosary thirty minutes before mass. I mentioned this to the family last night. Sure shootin' the kids were up and dressed for mass in nice clothes long before Alan and I were even up. We were a few minutes behind, but we came prepared with our rosaries and the kids followed along. We will be leading the rosary the last Sunday of October. The kids are each going to lead a decet of the rosary. Good Day....

I am in the middle of unpacking hell. Alan is busting his ass around here getting it all done. He is a worker I tell you. The house is an absolute mess, but there is an end insight. Yippee...

This weekend marked a first for two things. This was my first weekend to work in my trash garage sale shop, and this weekend is customer appreciation weekend thrown by the NEX(Navy Exchange). For all of you who don't know, the NEX is the Exchange here, like a PX. It is our grocery store /Walmart all rolled into one. It is pretty damn tiny, but it is all we have. Anyway, this whole customer appreciation thing is huge. There is a huge sale going on at the NEX as well as a 5K run, a concert, movie stars, and free crap. Did I mention free crap. Alan and I being who we are, have stayed as far away as possible from the chaos. We did go to the movies both Friday and Saturday nights, but other than that we have steered clear. That said we do drive past and I had to run in both yesterday and today for a few things. CRAZY!! Only word to describe this mess. There was a crowd gathered around the building with large boxes in their hands. Had no clue what that was all about, until I got out of the car to go in. There was one loooong table set up stacked with free stuff, and apparently you just walk down the length of the table and pick up you freebies. Then you get to the end of the line and get into a new one and get your free t-shirt from the NEX. I think we may have been one of the few families not there. Friday night after our movie, Cloudy with a Chance-again, some movie stars that stared in "Free Ticket" were there to introduce their movie and all that. And tonight Trace Lawrence is here giving a concert. Am I missing it? Yep, gotta get Adam's desk pit together and start packing for VA.

I have a list of my favorite things about GTMO life, and I promise to share it with you soon. This is one of them. Travel!! Maegan and I are leaving on Tuesday afternoon. On the flight will be us, our pediatrician, our physical therapist, Madie's Sunday school teacher and another family we know. I have never been on a flight where I knew so many people. The physical therapist, he is ALan's boss. Great guy, and I love his wife and kids. The pediatrician, Brian, great guy. Maegan loves him. The Sunday school teacher, her kids is in Madie's class and they live three doors down. So we will be well entertained on our way off the island. I have a list of things to get and am looking forward to driving faster than 25MPH. A bit scared as well, if I must say. I realize I have only been on island for less than two months, but getting used to this way of life is second nature. I can't wait to see what kind of reaction I will have to being off island. The people, no faces I see everyday, and the noise. We shall see.

So starting Tuesday I will be back in the states. I will try to blog then, but honestly I have a lot to pack into four days. I have to go Halloween costume shopping, birthday shopping for the girls, Christmas shopping and get some essentials for the house. Not to mention visit the Dr. and get blood work done. So until next time, I send you all my love

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