Thursday, October 22, 2009

potty Mouth

So I have a girlfriend who said she would love to read my blog to her children, but getting past my potty language is a challenge. So, with that in mind I will try and curb the bad words. Now on to the happenings.

Adam had his final soccer game today. Can I just say, AMEN LORD!!! I have had six weeks of soccer practice and games every other day. It was murder. We haven't had a chance to do ANY THING else because we always had soccer. But tonight finished us. Yes sirree we are done. And to commemorate this grand event I made green cupcakes, complete with green frosting. Did I mention they were the Green Gtmo Gators. My favorite part, we get to keep the uniforms, so we have a jersey with Adam's number 35 that says GTMO on it. Yippee that will be a great memento for us.

I also discovered today that even if I take the job with Navy Federal, I would make pretty darn near the same amount as I would with Treasures and Trivia. Yep, Maegan's day care would take half of my pay check every month. So..I am stuck at the trash hut forever. That said, now that I know where I am I can make it my own. I do love the natives that come in and see me every day and they seem pretty fond of me. Onward and Upward.

We had dinner with one of Alan's classmates from ODS today. She is a nurse that has been stationed here for the last year and a half. She was here without her kid and husband and so we got to see the bad side of life in Gtmo from her. She is so excited to be headed home..I really can't imagine leaving my kids for 18 months at a time. Makes me thankful for what we have I tell you and thankful to everyone who sacrifices so much for our freedom and rights.

I got Madie signed up for Cheer. Yes boys and girls, we are going to cheer our butts off. I am praying with all my might that cheer doesn't take up as much time as soccer, but here well there is NO TELLING..

Okay I am off. I promise pictures are coming soon, now that soccer is over. Whatever... I send you all my love

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