Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Holy Poop!

Okay so I am sucking this week at blogging. I could try and explain away my lack of writing to business, but whatever. So I am back and here are somethings that have been going on here:

First and foremost. I know I have explained how here on base the speed limit is 25mph. I am a person who follows the rules, really dad. If the limit is 65mph I don't usually go over it. So needless to say here, I am the one who everyone is following behind. I GO 25, and only when the freakin' Gtmo Special is coasting faster does it go over. Well, let me tell you, I got pulled over on Friday. Yep, I got pulled over, and the worst part was I had no clue why. I was going the limit, a little under in fact. I had just stopped at a stop sign, and I had my seat belt on. So what the hell. Well this 10 year old, well he may have been 13 seeing as that he had zits all over his face, anyway he pulled me over, took forever getting his shit together and then approached my car. I of course have Maegan in the front seat with me, here there are no car seat laws, and the only thing I can think of for pulling me over was because of her. He says so politely, "Mam," MAM when in the world did I become a MAM? I am only 33, not Mam in anyone's book, of course like I said you are a 13 year old boy hitting puberty. Long story short I was pulled over because apparently I pulled a Henrietta stop, the old roll through. I really thought I stopped, but whatever. I got a point added to my base record, I can get somewhere between 3-12 points before my license gets suspended. No one is real sure of how many points it takes to reach that status. So I went on to work. Then yesterday on my way to work again, that same zit faced kid pulled me over AGAIN!!!!! I know I was going the limit, I looked down at the odometer in fact when I saw the kid in his pickup just to be sure. But low and behold he pulled my ass over again. Why? Oh I was hot now. What is it, the taxi stripping down the side of my car? Or are my boobs looking that good that he just needs to see more. He pulled me over because he didn't see me with a belt on. Listen when I was fatter I didn't wear a belt for more reasons than one, but I wear a belt now. However, we have a GTMO special and the Ford has those automatic belts that follow the door. Well the car has sat in Gtmo heat for so long that the belt is useless and it doesn't look when you stop fast. Basically it comes across sits right across my mouth and creates a hazard, so I un-buckle that one and only use the lap belt, which I am hoping really works. Regardless...I explain to zit boy about the belt and point out that I do have the lap belt on. He says it looks good and he is going to direct me out into traffic, but I stop him. I say listen can you please make a note so that I am not being stopped everyday by him and his teenage posse and while we are at it, can Maegan sit in the front seat, because quite frankly I may go postal on these kids if they pull me over again for stupid shit again. He assures me that he will make notes and Maegan is fine. Yea I tell you if I get stopped tomorrow I am going to go talk to the officer of the day. I have my connections mind you. I found out my friend Wendy is the traffic judge, she was laughing her ass off at me last night as I relayed the story to her. I tell you.

On top of that craziness we have been setting up house. Yes my friends we are finally all unpacked. Is everything put away, hell no! Am I going crazy tripping over things left and right, yeppers. But we did get each one of the kids rooms done and I will post pics of those rooms tomorrow. I did finally get our camera out, yippee and I will be posting pictures soon.

Also, I interviewed at Navy Federal Credit Union. Do I want to work there? NO!! Again I have felt my age, which I just want to restate is not old, older or even worthy of Mamhood, but old I have been feeling. First with the zit boy and his pals but again at the interview. The manager of the CU is like 20 I think, she has a freakin' tongue ring for God's sake. I am looking at this girl and thinking when in the world did I start being the oldest in the room rather than the youngest? I have been the youngest my entire life.. my friends are all older than me, if not older than at least the same age, my employers have ALWAYS been older and wiser. But here is this girl with a tongue ring interviewing me. A shocker I tell you....It looks promising regardless if I want to work there or not. I did put some feelers our as well to babysit here at home during the day. We shall see how this all pans out. I am praying the God leads me down the right path. The CU makes more money, but I will be shelling out more cash so that I can put Maegan in the daycare program here. So it could be a toss up. I will be researching that this week.

Other than that, we are celebrating red ribbon week at school, the kids are drug free they tell me. Adam finishes soccer this week, THANK GOD! We were looking at doing flag football and cheer for Madie but for one thing it is expensive and we have no money and for another, we haven't had the time to be a family as much because we are constantly running back and forth to games or Brownies and now Little Flowers. So, Alan and I are thinking that both flag football and cheer are going to pass us by and we will start up again with outside activities after the holidays. Apparently the holidays are huge here so...At any rate Alan is going to begin doing cub scouts with Adam, they will be lone scouts as there is not a cub scout troop here and Madie and I will continue to do Brownie scouts and our super catholic girls club called Little Flowers of St. Therese.

Okay, until tomorrow I send you all my love

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