Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Week

So much to tell you all and I have no idea where to begin or what to tell you.  So I will just begin by telling you some things, and pardon me if I lose you in all my ramblings.

First, just a quick update.  I have had a horrible week here as far as eating and pain are concerned.  I have either overeaten or ate the wrong things all week.  My body is on protest and I am now rationing myself to soups for the next few days so that I can "cleanse" my system.  I really think making cookies, pies, potatoes, caramel rolls....all those things got me.  I don't know how to cook without tasting it, so i over did it.  I thought I was doing okay, not too too bad, but then last night I went over the edge.   We were invited to a post Christmas party at the Bosts and can I just say, I should have known better.  Chris, God bless her had cranberry margaritas.  CRANBERRY MARGARITAS!!!!  I can't drink much mind you.  I shouldn't drink at all, seeing as that one sip usually results in instant drunkeness and the shakes from my metabolism turning the alcohol into sugar.  At any rate I had about half a cup.  So not only did I drink far more than I usually do, but I drank something that had sugar, three different alcohols and well, DANG IT is was so good....Then Bryan, God bless him.  He made brisket, smoked brisket and smoked pork shoulder.  My mouth is watering again just thinking about it.  The brisket didn't sit well with me, but the pig, YUMMO...Alas I stood up to leave my merry friends, and a good time we were having too, when the a headache set in and my stomachs started yelling.  BOTH OF THEM....So I fought off a migrane all night last night and today my "old" large stomach is not very happy.  Needless to say, SOUP!!

Oh and so for the update.  I am down to 215lbs.  When I first started this whole process, I was 344lbs.  So for all those who are not math wizards, that is 129lbs.  If you got a chance to see our Christmas wishes on tv, I weighed a good twenty pounds more.  My top is so flippin' small that I fit in XL fitted shirts and L knit shirts.  And just the other day I wore a pair of L sweat pants.. I don't think I am quite a 16 pants yet, but I haven't tried any pants on as I am a skirt wearing hippie now a days...

Okay now for kid info. No wait, I am going to fill you in on my hadsome husband Alan.  Right now is chaos at work for him.  His CO (commanding officer) who just got here in Sept. is leaving.  His wife, who battled breast cancer almost five years ago was rediagnosed with it.  It has spread all over her body.  I got a chance to spend time with her, before we found out about the new cancer, and she is a wonderful person.  Keep her in your prayers if you are so inclined.  At any rate, the island here can not support her medical needs, so they are PCSing(moving) at the end of the month.  So a new CO is on board and that alone entails lots of changes of course.  Add to that, Joint Commision is coming.  JaCo for short.  JaCo is the governing force for military hospitals, sort of like having Medicare coming in.  They will be here the week of Jan 11.  This means that the hospital staff is in uproar.  Everyone who works at our itty bitty hospital is being run ragged and doing their jobs and cleaning the hospital and well it is nuts.  So Alan is a busy beaver.  Add to that JTF what that equals is Alan at work non-stop.

So that takes care of me and Alan, now for the kids.  First Maegan.  She is a mess.  She is in the middle of huge growth sprut, complete with eating non-stop and the cranks.  She has a ton of clothes she could fit in just last week, that now won't even come close to fitting her.  She is so cranky and frustrated poor girl.  Christmas was rough on her.  She tried to be patient while we took turns opening presents, but after doing that for about an hour she had had it.  So with the family's blessing she opened all her gifts.  It bit her in the butt.  SHe was convinced that Madie had more presents than she did. She went so far as to tell me that Madie had a "Crap Load".  Yea, good language...That Alan....hahaha.  She did have a great Christmas Eve though.  She played an angel in the Nativity Play the kids did for the children's mass.  She was adorable sitting up in the sancurary.  She spent time up there shaking her finger at the other kids and waving to me and Alan.  She was cute as a bug.  The pictures I took with my camera, well lets just say, they blew.  So there are none as of now.  I have a mom who promised to get me a copy, but who knows if that will happen.

Now for Aders.  He is growing into such a kidder.  He loves jokes and playing pranks.  He also loves dirt, running, playing and right now he is so into science it is bordering wierd....He got a microscope from Santa and a science lab from Alan and me.  He has been playing all day with it, and now is asking for a telescope for his birthday.  He got to play a lamb in the church play and can I just say, my son is destined to be a priest.  He sat up on that altar with a sweet little face and never talked to anyone and in general was excellent.  The boy didn't even wiggle.  Chruching is serious to my boy....

And Madie.  She got a potters wheel for her birthday and today we finally had a chance to get to it.  She made five different things and I think she may be a little artist in the making.  She was so happy out there shaping her clay, she was singing and just in hog heaven...As for the christmas play, she got to play Mary.  I must clarify here real quick.  the kids just acted the parts, there were no lines to say.  That said, of course Madie was the best darn Mary in the world.  She was so cute.  She did tell me she was nervous though right before we got to church, I think that went away quickly though.  I think it must be hard to be nervous when everyone in the audience are the people you interact with day in and out.  For Christmas Madie got a Whoopsie Poopsie Baby Alive from Santa.  The child went ape ^&%$ crazy when she torn into it.  She was so happy and now I have a DOLL pooping all over.  Arg....

So that sums up Christmas and Christmas Eve.  This week Alan is supposed to have half days at the office, but I think he will be working late everyday getting things ready for JaCo.  The kids get to go to work with me tomorrow and Wed, but now that they have things to take up there we should be doing good.  There are no New Years plans as of now, but we are going to go play Family Kickball on Wed afternoon and then having some friends over for games that night...Social Butterflies are we.....

So my friends, know that I thought of you and prayed for you this week and I send you all my love

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