Sunday, December 27, 2009

Family Pictures at the beach

This is a picture of all of us in a Banyon Tree.  There are banyons all over the island, just loved this one

The Family at Ferry Lnading Beach, I have hair that is a throw back to the 80's punk rock movement, but there isn't much I can do with the little amount I have.   And it is still falling out.  Aren't we perfect?

Our angels being all sweet, we have pics of them splashing each other later

My husband and I looking all romatic
You can't tell, but this skirt is about five sizes too big for me and I had to pin it on the other side. 

And one last pic at the banyon tree.  The tree itself had a ton of termites crawling all over it, but here at the tire swing all is well.  Adam had gotten to the breaking point and was done.  Poor kid got yelled at by momma..

Okay that is all for now, uploading these took two hours, love our connections.  I send you all my love

1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS pics of the family!! And you look AH-MA-ZING by the way. Wow Mon, amazing!

    I miss you to pieces, but it looks like you are LOVING the new place!
